Information Technology permeates every part of our modern lives. PC's and devices are no longer a luxury; they are commodities that are business and personal necessities.
We are in the 3rd generation of computer use. For most of us, that means we have mastered the basics of PC use and we can get by nicely. What we need now is to excel!
We need IT skills that are targeted to our precise needs;
Word skills that will allow me to format that document for maximum impact.
Excel skills that allow me to analyse a wider range of figures and information to gain a clearer picture of my performance.
PowerPoint skills that will allow me to construct a presentation that will enhance my proposal and blow away the competition. We need IT skills that are immediate and applicable.
At Rhodes Training & Development our IT training has a sharp business focus. IT is the means not the end. That means delivering IT training in a manner that is responsive and absolutely focused on your business needs.
That can mean:
- Delivering short, sharp, on-site IT training courses utilising our mobile IT training kit for a specific application.
- Providing on-site support post course via an experienced IT consultant.
- Floor-walking to answer any immediate application problems.
We can also combine personal development and IT courses to show how IT support can enhance skills development, for example Time Management & Outlook, Project Management & MS Project.